New Music – Time Traveling


Hardcore takes an incredibly exhausting amount of forms that branch out into everything from power violence to black metal. There is the punk, the rock, the hard rock, the comedy, but there is a real sense of a new leaf that switches with Turnstile. Especially on their newest album; Time & Space, which is a flurry of rampant vocals and instrumentation that borders on the destructive and equally uplifting.

Turnstile has always had this sense of mystery and intrigue behind their sound and with each record there is always something new that is introduced and worked upon. For Time & Space, there is a focus on creating the march style and rolling with the mosh pit inducing rush of each incoming track. Each progression works as an attack that rolls with the listener and takes them through a rugged, but perfectly cut piece of steel.

Rarely is there a band that can work with the popularity of rhythmic, higher-pitched vocalization and the experimentation of abstract atmosphere to combine together. Showcased first through “Real Thing”, Turnstile’s grouping of two guitars, bass, percussion, vocals, and piano is substantial enough to come stringing together in a whirlwind of quick moves. But somehow, they can also work through Time & Space in a barrage of genre-jumping boundaries. “Real Thing” is a fairly standard hardcore sucker punch that acts as ferocious as any beast that Turnstile has produced before. There is then the track “Generator” which begins with a harder stance, but eventually breaks down and becomes muddled through the instrumental effects on the strings.

It feels as if the song’s second half was created by an entirely different band, keeping Turnstile feeling adaptable and strong. And that follows as “Bomb”, “Moon”, and “Disco” as they are able to throw major variation to Turnstile’s sound on Time & Space. Between the aggression and experimentation lies a serious frontline of animation and energy on tracks five to nine, then ten to thirteen as Turnstile commands with the gripping nature of the reverb and external modulation on the instruments. The changes between tracks can feel quite subtle at moments and this all gets wrapped under the guise of Turnstile

They are mean and almost ill-tempered on “Can’t Get Away”, or “Right To Be” where there is a serious spotlight put on the backing vocals and progression of the track. There is no such thing as a dull moment with Turnstile as they always move into the attack formation without revealing their cards all at one. It is the mechanized workings of aggressive, but progressive instrumentalists and vocalist.

Time & Space is not going to build a new genre itself, but it does more than enough justice for hardcore and also for the slower, more spaced out tracks. In a wide shell, Turnstile is stand offish, but more broad than ever and moves with a strange, almost comforting shriek into the pits of fire.

Listen To Time & Space Here!!! – Spotify/Amazon/iTunes

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